Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Well, it’s official. I may be the worst blogger in the whole blogosphere! The end of the summer got busy and then my semester started which has become the most difficult semester of my college career thus far!!! I also started a new job and am serving as a student executive within my student organization! Needless to say, it’s been crazy but due to recent events, I felt the urge to write a new post.
I woke up this 7th of November, post-election day one, and was greeted by a slew of ridiculous and ignorant posts on Facebook. I am all for people posting their opinion because thankfully we live in a country that allows us free speech, but when these opinions are bashing supporters of their opposing party or spewing pure ignorance, I draw the line. What happened to all of the RESPECT? Everyone of age has the right to vote in this country and the right to vote as they please. Just because someone supports an opposing candidate doesn’t mean they are stupid, idiotic, un-American, or whatever the Hell else everyone is calling each other from both sides! This is something that has become more prominent in our society over recent years. People throw out the phrase “Freedom of Speech” but when others exercise their right and they don’t agree with that opinion, they get attacked for using THAT SAME RIGHT! People have the freedom to vote for whom they please but then get accosted for voting the way they voted!
If there is anything to say for our country it is that we need to be united. We need to come together as a people and support each other rather than continuously tear each other down. If you voted in this election along with millions of other Americans, then you did your part. Now it is time to accept the outcome of this Presidential race and move on! Support the President of this country! Set the hate aside and be thankful that we live in a country that allows us the freedoms America allows us. Pray for President Obama’s policies to have a positive effect on this country and pray that his administration can come together and help our country where it needs help.
Stop fighting, get educated and be thankful for the life you have!
I’m going to miss seeing Mitt Romney with his pearly whites and perfectly tailored suits, always looking like he just stepped off the set of Mad Men!
Happy post-Election Day to everyone!

Disclaimer: I tried to make this post as unbiased and vague as possible regarding my political affiliation. I believe in the secret ballot system and feel that once I leave the voting box, my vote is mine. I can choose to share who I checked or not. For my own personal reasons, I do not feel it necessary to discuss who I voted for in the 2012 Presidential Election on my blog. :)

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